What You Need to Know Before Painting Any Room in Your Home

If you’re getting ready to put a fresh coat of paint in any of the rooms in your home, there are a few things that you need to consider first. It should come as no surprise that paint products contain toxins, but you may be surprised to learn that these toxins continue to off-gas long after the paint dries. In order to make the safest choice possible, you need to look for a paint that is low or no VOC.

What are VOCs?

VOC stands for volatile organic compounds, and they can emit from interior paint for years inside of your home. You could be breathing in the lingering toxins from that pretty paint color for years, and you won’t even know it. That’s why it’s so important to select a quality interior paint that contains 5 grams or less per liter of VOCs. There are also many paint products available today that are made from safe, all natural ingredients, like plant oils, essential oils, and natural latex.

While choosing a fresh new paint color may be exciting, don’t overlook the safety of the products that you choose. Select a non-toxic, high quality interior paint to ensure that the air inside of your home stays as clean and safe as possible.

  • July 01, 2016
  • Corey Creed