6 Plastic Products around the House that You Should Ditch

Plastic pollution continues to disrupt the ecological system, as well as the overall wellness of humanity with its hazardous chemical composition. The world of plastics can seemingly become overwhelming. Take a look around your house. How many plastic items are you looking at in the single room where you stand? Over 90 percent of Americans alone tested positive for the toxic, industrial chemical found in plastic known as bisphenol (BPA). Exposure to BPA at a young age can cause generative damage. It has also been linked to recurring miscarriages, adverse brain, heart, and hormonal effects. (1)

1. Vinyl Shower Curtains
Have you ever noticed the chemical odor when first purchasing a vinyl shower curtain? The smell can potentially linger for weeks however, the fading smell doesn’t mean the risks have decreased any less. The chemicals are associated with unfavorable health effects that have been linked to the chemicals released from shower curtains made of PVC. According to researchers (2) 108 different volatile organic compounds are released from shower curtains and into the air. Our Premium PEVA Shower Liners are non-toxic, safer and healthier for your health and for the environment.

2. Plastic Cookware
Heating, freezing and even adding acidic foods to plastic ware and plastic cookware can cause chemicals to leach. Extreme temperatures cause stress to the plastic which causes it to degrade at an alarming rate. Some plastic cookware may be labeled as “microwave safe” however, the combination can be harmful especially if heating fatty or acidic foods. Stainless steel, ceramic, and even wood cookware would be a safer option than plastic.

3. Children’s Toys made with PVC
The health risks of exposure to plastic are significantly increased for children especially those with health problems. Young children have immune systems that are still developing, thus making them more susceptible to health problems stemming from plastic pollution. Many children’s toys are made with

4. Plastic Water Bottles
Research has proven that the chemicals found in plastic can be absorbed by the body. Over 93 percent of Americans over the age of 6 tested positive for BPA. A study done by PLOSONE determined that BPA has been shown to have potentially harmful effects on human heart health associated with cardiovascular diseases (3). Drinking from plastic water bottles that have been left in the heat are especially dangerous, as the chemicals leach into the water more rapidly as heat increases.

5. Plastic Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups
BPA is the chemical that is found in most baby bottles and sippy cups, which is used to harden the substance during manufacturing. It has been acknowledged that BPA can have adverse effects on the brain, behavior, and prostate glands in fetuses, infants, and young children. Be leery of “BPA free” claims, according to a 2013 by the University of Texas, the BPA “alternative” known as BPS (or, bisphenol S) also has hormone-disrupting qualities.(4)

6. Plastic Wrap & Sandwich Bags
There are quite a few plastic wraps and storage bags that are made of a chemical known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC, #3) which is a highly toxic chemical that should be avoided. Cloth, paper, wax paper, parchment paper, and paper towels are far better alternatives than using plastic storage bags and plastic wrap. Stainless steel and glass food storage containers are also available. Buy in bulk as much as possible to avoid packaging.

  • October 01, 2015
  • Corey Creed